AI in Practice

Participants of the “AI in Practice” training will gain an in-depth understanding of key aspects of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, natural language processing, and the applications of AI in various fields. They will acquire practical skills in using AI tools such as Chat GPT for content generation, problem-solving, and innovation, which can contribute to increased productivity and creativity in their work.

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Target and training idea: AI in Practice

The target group: The “AI in Practice” training is aimed at a wide range of professionals from various industries who want to understand and utilize artificial intelligence in their work. It is ideal for technical individuals, such as programmers and engineers, who wish to deepen their skills in AI, as well as for those from the business, marketing, or management sectors who aim to use AI to optimize strategies and processes in their organizations.

Idea of the “AI in Practice” training focuses on the practical application of artificial intelligence in various professional areas. The main goal is to equip participants with specific knowledge and skills necessary for the effective use of AI tools, such as Chat GPT, in their daily work. The training is interdisciplinary, combining theory with practice, which allows participants to understand the basic concepts of AI and learn how to apply them in real business, technological, or creative scenarios. This program is aimed at individuals who want to integrate AI-based solutions into their current projects and strategies, contributing to innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness in their field of activity.

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AI in Practice – training benefits

  • Increase in employee competencies in the AI field: Employees acquire new skills related to AI, which translates into their greater value in the job market and efficiency in performing tasks.
  • Improvement of the company’s innovation and competitiveness: Organizations whose employees are qualified in AI can better adapt to changing technological trends and gain a competitive edge.
  • Optimization of business processes: Knowledge of AI allows for the automation and streamlining of processes, contributing to increased efficiency and cost reduction.
  • Better data utilization: Training participants learn how to analyze and interpret large data sets, which is crucial in making accurate business decisions.
  • Increase in employee engagement and satisfaction: The training gives employees the opportunity for personal and professional development, which can increase their motivation and loyalty to the company.
  • Enhancement of customer service quality: AI enables a better understanding of customer needs and offers more personalized services.
  • Ensuring alignment with current trends: Companies investing in AI training show that they are up-to-date with the latest technological achievements, which can positively impact their image.

Benefits for the Organization

  • Fostering Innovation and Unleashing New Opportunities: This training equips the organization with the tools to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence into its operations, thereby unlocking fresh avenues for growth and innovation.
  • Enhancing Innovation and Adaptability: By acquiring knowledge and expertise in the realm of artificial intelligence, the organization gains a heightened capacity for innovation and adaptability. This newfound proficiency makes it more agile in responding to market fluctuations, swiftly capitalizing on emerging prospects, and effectively addressing challenges. Ultimately, the training nurtures a culture of innovation and adaptability within the organization.
  • Amplifying Learning Effectiveness: The training empowers the organization with insights into best practices for harnessing artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Gaining Competitive Edge in the Market: Utilizing AI presents a distinct competitive advantage. Organizations equipped with advanced AI competencies position themselves as industry leaders, enabling them to deliver pioneering solutions in a highly competitive market.

Benefits for Employees

  • Skill Development: This training program facilitates the expansion of an employee’s skill set in the realm of artificial intelligence. It provides them with both new knowledge and practical competencies that hold value not only in their current position but also in prospective career paths.
  • Enhanced Desirability in the Job Market: Proficiency in artificial intelligence serves as a significant asset, rendering employees more appealing to potential employers. In today’s job market, where an increasing number of companies seek AI specialists, possessing such valuable expertise can unveil fresh career opportunities.
  • Proficiency with Tools and Technology: The training empowers employees to gain a deeper understanding of and proficiency with tools and technologies related to artificial intelligence. This enhanced familiarity allows them to leverage available solutions more effectively, conduct data analysis, make informed decisions, and draw more precise conclusions.
  • Elevated Efficiency and Productivity: Armed with acquired AI skills, employees can streamline repetitive tasks, optimize processes, and utilize available resources more efficiently. This, in turn, contributes to heightened work efficiency and the achievement of superior results within shorter time frames
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  • Understanding the presence of smart technologies in our environment.
  • Differences between AI, machine learning, and natural language processing.
  • Key AI concepts, including definitions and algorithms.
  • Using AI to improve the content creation process.
  • Methods of assessing work and company performance through AI analyses and audits.
  • Introduction to Chat GPT and basic discussions.
  • Unleashing the potential of AI in content generation.
  • Market analysis: perceptions of AI, with a special focus on Chat GPT.
  • Tips for formulating queries to AI and avoiding common mistakes.
  • Utilizing Chat GPT in various fields: social media, sales, customer service, SEO, and more.
  • Chat GPT for developers: using AI in programming.
  • Simulating various roles using AI: writer, chef, teacher, guide, public speaker, image generation, face detection, etc.
  • The versatility of Chat GPT: premium plugins.
  • Expanding AI capabilities through additional plugins and integrations.
  • Generating art, promotional materials, banners, and more using MidJourney.
  • Navigating through laws and copyrights in AI content creation.
  • Understanding legal aspects and ethics in creating AI content.
  • Challenges in generating AI content, including copyrights and ethics.
  • Recognizing and dealing with threats such as deepfakes, scams, fake news.
  • Preparing employees to recognize and respond to AI-related challenges.
  • Discussion on the directions of AI development and its potential impact on the future.

Methods used during training


Lecture with explanations

This method involves a traditional lecture where the presenter delivers material, often supported by presentations or visual aids. These lectures can include detailed explanations and theoretical foundations related to the topics discussed.


Case studies

Case studies involve analyzing real-world examples or scenarios that demonstrate how theory can be applied in practice. Participants can analyze, discuss, and draw conclusions from specific cases, helping them understand the application of theory in real-life situations.



Workshops often include practical exercises or live demonstrations. Participants have the opportunity to work directly with the material or tools, which allows them to gain hands-on experience and skills.


Q&A session

Question and answer sessions give participants the chance to ask questions and clarify any doubts about the material discussed. This interactive part of the training fosters a deeper understanding of the subject and engages participants in discussion.


Marcin Sikorski

Ekspert i popularyzator Internetu Rzeczy, który obecnie współpracuje z Platformą Przemysłu Przyszłości. Były członek Grupy Roboczej ds. Internetu Rzeczy Ministerstwa Cyfryzacji, który współtworzył raport „IoT w Polskiej Gospodarce” określający kierunek rozwoju Polski w najbliższych latach. Współautor i doradca raportów dla CPK (Centralny Port Komunikacyjny). Od 2013 roku pracuje wraz z najnowszymi technologiami i znanymi markami (IoT konsumenckie, automotive, reaktory atomowe) doradzając w kwestiach wprowadzania dobrych praktyk dotyczących jakości oraz testowania. Specjalista kultury chińskiej, który od lat doradza w kwestiach współpracy z Chinami i chińskimi pracownikami. Członek Poland Hong Kong Business Association. Autor książki „Real IT World – Internet Rzeczy”, wydanej przez wydawnictwo PWN, która analizuje współczesny rynek nowoczesnych technologii w perspektywie Polski, świata i Chin oraz „Oszukani przez Smart” (seria wywiadów z czołowymi przedstawicielami polskiego, smart środowiska). Prelegent, felietonista, współtwórca raportów dotyczących IoT i regularny gość stacji radiowych w Polsce i za granicą oraz licznych publikacji tworzonych we współpracy z branżowymi pismami poświęconymi testowaniu oprogramowania.

An expert and promoter of the Internet of Things, currently collaborating with the Future Industry Platform. Former member of the Working Group for the Internet of Things at the Ministry of Digital Affairs, co-authoring the “IoT in the Polish Economy” report, defining Poland’s development direction in the coming years. Co-author and advisor for reports for CPK (Central Communication Port). Since 2013, working with the latest technologies and well-known brands (consumer IoT, automotive, nuclear reactors), providing advice on quality and testing best practices. A specialist in Chinese culture, advising on collaboration with China and Chinese employees for years. Member of the Poland Hong Kong Business Association. Author of the book “Real IT World – Internet of Things,” published by PWN, which analyzes the contemporary market of modern technologies from the perspective of Poland, the world, and China, as well as “Deceived by Smart” (a series of interviews with leading representatives of the Polish smart environment). Speaker, columnist, co-author of IoT reports, and a regular guest on radio stations in Poland and abroad, as well as numerous publications created in collaboration with industry magazines dedicated to software testing.


Profesjonalnie zorganizowane szkolenie

Jako przedstawiciel firmy chciałabym wyrazić nasze ogromne zadowolenie z usług firmy Warto Szkolić, która przeprowadziła dla naszego zespołu szkolenie sprzedażowe. Trener Paweł okazał się być prawdziwym profesjonalistą - jego wiedza, doświadczenie i zaangażowanie były widoczne na każdym kroku. Szkolenie było przeprowadzone w sposób dynamiczny i interaktywny, co sprawiło, że wszyscy uczestnicy byli aktywnie zaangażowani i zmotywowani do nauki. Efekty szkolenia przerosły nasze oczekiwania - każdy wyciągnął cos dla siebie. Warto Szkolić to firma godna polecenia i na pewno będziemy korzystać z ich usług w przyszłości.

Interesujące i bardzo profesjonale szkolenie

Firma Warto Szkolić przeprowadziła szkolenie nt. „Jak przeciwdziałać niewłaściwym zachowaniom w miejscu pracy” w ramach Planu Równości realizowanego w ING PAN. Było to szkolenie on-line, z materiałami szkoleniowymi, wygłoszone przez Pana Pawła Głowackiego. Szkolenie zostało bardzo pozytywnie przyjęte, wysoko ocenione przez naszych pracowników i bardzo interesujące. Współpraca z firmą Warto Szkolić była miłym i bezproblemowym doświadczeniem. Szkolenie zdecydowanie spełniło nasze oczekiwania. Oceniamy firmę Warto Szkolić jako rzetelną i godną polecenia.


Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni ze skorzystania z usług firmy Warto Szkolić. Z całą odpowiedzialnością mogę przyznać, że jest to firma godna zaufania. Bardzo mili pracownicy, którzy przeprowadzili nas przez cały proces dotyczący dofinansowania, realizacji i rozliczenia projektu. Najważniejsze jest to, że firma dopasowała się do naszych potrzeb, a szkolenie przerosło nasze oczekiwania.
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